This Website Terms of Use, along with other information and/or documents mentioned in them, set out the terms of use according to which you may use this website, (this is our site). Please go through these Website Terms of Use vigilantly so that you gain a proper understanding of them. From the first use of the site only, it shall be considered that you agree and abide by the Website Terms of Use. If you do not accede to following these Website Terms of Use, you must refrain from using this site immediately.

1. Important Definitions

In these Terms of Use, the following terms or phrases are used several times and these expressions have the following meanings according to our organization's context:

“Takeaway and Pronouns-We/Us/Our” refers to Planet Pizza

Requisite “Content” refers to any subject matter, text, description, images, audio, video, scripts, codes, software, information, databases, and/or any other type of information or details that can be stored on a system that emerges on, or becomes part of our Site.

2. Accessibility

2.1 An individual’s access to our Site is free of cost.

2.2 Use of our site is based on “as is” and on “as available” terms. Any part or whole of our site can be changed, adjusted, suspended, or terminated at any time without serving the notice. And we cannot be held responsible to anyone in any way due to the non-availability of any part or whole of the site at any point in time.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

3.1 The site, including each of its content and modules, is copyrighted and protected by Intellectual Property Rights. All the types of Content included on our Site, unless specifically provided in these terms are either owned exclusively or licensed by us. All Content is secured according to the relevant “United Kingdom and international intellectual property laws and treaties.”

3.2 Except for the particulars on clause 3.3, Contents may not be copied, distributed, displayed, rented, transmitted, sold, stored, sub-licensed, or re-used from our Site unless you have expressed written permission or consent from us.

3.3 You are allowed the following:

  • Accessing, viewing, and using our Site in any web browser
  • Downloading the full or part of our Site for caching;
  • Page Printing from our Site;
  • Downloading any clippings or excerpts from the pages of our Site;
  • Download and Saving the pages from our Site for later offline purposes.

3.4 Official consideration of our position as the owner and creator of the Content on our Site (or deemed to be that of identified licensors, as appropriate) must always be proclaimed.

3.5 Though you are not permitted to make use of any saved or downloaded Content from our Site for trading purposes without prior attainment of a license from us (or our licensors, as appropriate) to do the required functions. However, This does not obstruct the normal accessing, viewing, and using of our Site for general informational purposes whether by commercial users or consumers.

4. Conditions for the Links to Our Site

  • It should be done in a proper and legitimate manner
  • You should strictly take care that you get linked validly and not involve anything that indicates any approbation, agreement, or any form of association, or endorsement from our side which does not occur or doesn't exist.
  • You should refrain from using any logos or trademarks displayed on our Site without obtaining the company’s expressed written permission.
  • Link to the site must not be done in such a way that is supposed to defame our company or make unauthorized use of it.

4.2 You should not integrate or frame our site on other websites without obtaining the expressed written consent from us

4.3 You are prohibited to link such content on our site from any other websites which involve the following:

  • Indecency, deliberate offensiveness, derogatory or provocative kinds of stuff.
  • Encourages intense violence
  • Provokes any illegal activity
  • Promotes discrimination against, or damages the reputation of, any person, group, or class of persons, race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age;
  • Is meant to swindle another individual
  • is intended for violating the privacy of another person.
  • Deliberately impersonation any person or giving a false idea about the identity or intentionally affiliating the particular person in a way to deceive
  • Any form of association or alliance with us which does not exist
  • Defy or violates or assists in the infringement of, the Intellectual Property Rights (involving but not limited restricted to, ‘Copyright, Trademarks and Database rights) of any other party; or
  • Non-observance of the lawful duty owed to a third party including, but not restricted to, "duties related to contract and Confidentiality Agreements.”

4.4 Content restrictions mentioned in clause 4.3 do not apply to content submitted to sites by other users but on the condition that the main purpose of the site agrees with the points of clause 4.3.

5. Other Linked Websites

Our site may encompass Links to other websites. But those links are just given for general information or convenience only. We haven't reviewed or assessed the accuracy of any details or any data on these linked websites nor do we have any control over them, Hence we can’t be held responsible or accountable for any third-party content, Privacy Policies, or any other attributes of these websites. Besides, Links to other sites should not be interpreted as an endorsement, approval, affiliation, or recommendation of the whole sites or those who control or possess them unless expressly specified.

6. Disclaimers

6.1 The Information provided by our website is for general information or knowledge only. It should not be construed as any suggestion or advice which you should follow.

6.2All the information provided on our site or application is in “good faith”, however, we make no representation, warranty, or guarantee of any kind (expressed or implied) that our Site will fulfill all your requirements, that it will not violate the rights of third parties, that it will be consistent with all the materials, software, and hardware, or that it will be fully secure.

6.3 We adopt all the possible means to make sure that the content provided on our Site is 'Bonafide.’ However we can’t make, make any representations, warranties, or guarantees (either express or implied) that the Content or information is complete, reliable, adequate, valid, accurate or updated.

7. Liability Extent

7.1 According to the Law admissibility, we can’t be held liable to any user for any inconvenience, direct, indirect, major, minor loss or damage, whether predicted or otherwise, in contract, tort (including negligence), for infringement of ‘statutory or regulatory duty or otherwise, emerging out of or associated with the use or execution of (or ‘inability or delay to use’) our Site or the usage of or reliance upon any information incorporated on our Site.

7.2 According to the extent permissible by law, we make no representations, warranties, and guarantees (either express or implied) that apply to our Site or any Content or information contained on our Site.

7.3 For a business or corporate user, we cannot be held accountable for any loss of profits, sales, income, or revenue or any ‘loss of business opportunity, valuation, ‘goodwill or reputation; loss of estimated savings; business interruption, loss of information; or for any indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage.

7.4 Though we take to put all the necessary efforts to take care that our Site is free from ‘viruses and other malware. But we are not liable for any loss or damage arising due to a virus or other malware, “a distributed denial-of-service attack”, or other disturbances of normal operations of online service that affect the functioning of hardware, software, data or other material that happens due to your use of our Site (which includes the downloading or storing of any Content from it) or any other site alluded on our Site.

7.4 Though we take to put all the necessary efforts to take care that our Site is free from ‘viruses and other malware. But we are not liable for any loss or damage arising due to a virus or other malware, “a distributed denial-of-service attack”, or other disturbances of normal operations of online service that affect the functioning of hardware, software, data or other material that happens due to your use of our Site (which includes the downloading or storing of any Content from it) or any other site alluded on our Site.

7.6 no provision in these Website Terms of Use prohibits or limits our liability for fraud or illicit misrepresentation, ‘for death or personal injury that occurs due to the consequence of negligence, or any other forms of liability which cannot be excluded or restricted by law. Also, If you are a consumer visiting our Site, for full information on your legal rights, which comprises those linked to digital content, please contact your ‘Local Citizens’ Advice Bureau or Trading Standards Office.

8. Handling of Viruses, Malware, and Security

8.1 We embrace all the necessary and possible measures to protect our Site from all types of Viruses, bugs, and Malware.

8.2 You are responsible for securing any/all hardware, software, information, content, data, and other material from viruses, malware, and other internet security risks.

8.3 You are not allowed to bring in viruses or other malware, or any other material deliberately which is destructive or technologically harmful either to or via our Site.

8.4 You should strictly not indulge in gaining ‘unauthorized access to any part of our Site, the server on which our Site is stored, or any other server, computer, or database connected to our Site.’

8.6 Notably, Non-observance of the provisions of clauses 8.3 to 8.5, may result in perpetuating the criminal offense under the ‘Computer Misuse Act 1990.’ Any and all such infringement will be reported to the concerned law enforcement authorities and we will adhere fully to those authorities by divulging your identity to them. And Your right to use our Site will come to an end instantly in such circumstances of the violation.

9. Usage Policy Conditions

9.1 You can only lawfully use our site. Particularly:

  • you should act by any and all local, national or international laws and/or rules;
  • you should avoid using our site in such a way that is unlawful or unscrupulous
  • you should not use our Site for your misdemeanor to deliberately send, upload, or in any other way transfer data that contains any form of virus or other malware, or any other code or material made to terribly affect computer hardware, software, or data of any kind; and
  • Stay away from using our site in any way or for any motive, that is meant to harm any person or persons in any way.

9.2 We have the authority to suspend or terminate your access to our Site if you considerably violate any of the particulars of this clause 9 or any of the other provisions of these Website Terms of Use. In such a condition we can take one or more of the following actions:

  • Eliminate your right to access our site either temporarily or permanently,
  • Issuance of a written warning;
  • Take legal actions against you for compensation of any and all applicable costs based on an indemnity basis resulting from your infringement;
  • Take additional legal action against you as applicable;
  • Reveal such information to law enforcement authorities as appropriate or as we consider reasonably necessary; and/or
  • Any other actions which are supposed to be important and legitimate

9.3 We are firmly not liable for any actions (that involve, but are not restricted to those set out above) that we may take in retaliation to breaches of these Website Terms of Use.

10. Administration of Privacy and Cookies

Use of our Site is also subject to our Privacy Policy. If you want to know about it, please review the privacy policy available on our site. By using our site, you are giving us the consent for processing your personal information as given in the privacy policy.

11. Effect of Changes to these Website Terms of Use

11.1 At any time, we can change these Website terms of use. And such alterations will become binding on you from your first use of our Site after the changes have been carried out. Whenever the changes will be made they will be seen on the website, therefore you are advised to check this website regularly.

11.2 If there is a difference between the current version of these Website Terms of Use and any previous version(s), the current provisions and in effect shall be accepted unless it is expressly stated otherwise.

12. Contact Us

For contacting us, please email us at or by telephone on 02084452755, or by post at Planet Pizza, 680 High Road, London N12 9PT, UK.

13. Communications and Correspondence from Us

13.1 If we have your contact details, we may from time to time send you important notices or information by email. And Such notices may pertain to subjects that include, but are not restricted to, changes of services and changes related to these ‘Website Terms of Use.’

13.2 We ensure that no marketing messages will be sent of any kind without your expressed approval, and if you wish to give any disapproval for such marketing information or messages, you may withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing the link that we send along with the messages, As all such messages which we send have an unsubscribe link. And, it may take up to 7 business days to process your request. During that time, you will continue to acquire messages from us. For more such information, go through our Privacy Policy.

13.3 For any queries or clarifications about Communications from our side (that includes, but is not restricted to marketing emails), please get in with us by referring to the details mentioned in clause 12.

14. Law and Jurisdiction Applicability

14.1 These Terms of Use, any agreements, and the relationship between you and us (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be “Governed by, and construed by the laws of England & Wales.”

14.2. And If you are a consumer of another country, your subject will be governed according to the obligatory measures of the law in your country of residence. Significantly, anything in the above-indicated clauses will not deprive you or diminishes your rights as a consumer to get governed according to those provisions.

14.3 All the dealings of disputes, disagreements, altercations, litigations, proceedings, or claims between you and us associated with these Terms and Conditions, or the relationship between you and us (related to the contractual function or otherwise) shall be managed according to the “Jurisdiction of the courts of England, Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, as determined by your residency.

14.4 Dealings of the business, any disputes or discourse which concerns these Website Terms of Use, the correlation between an individual and the company, or any matters arising therefrom or associated therewith (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be observed according to the “exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England & Wales.”